by Alex Interlandi | Nov 15, 2023 | Case Study, Education
Scrum@Scale Case Study Transforming Our Future: Empowering Tomorrow’s Workforce Today! – Dr. Mark Buckner In “Transforming Our Future: Empowering Tomorrow’s Workforce Today!”, learn how Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer Dr. Mark...
by Alex Interlandi | Nov 1, 2023 | Case Study, Industry, Transportation and Automotive
Scrum@Scale Case Study Scrum@Scale: On Track for Success with Jessica Crowley In “On Track for Success,” learn how Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer Jessica Crowley supported the transformation efforts of a traditionally successful Rail Industry...
by Alyssa Layden | May 18, 2021 | Uncategorized
“How Scrum of Scrums can help coordinate remote Agile teams” with Ernesto Custodio, MBA, Ph.D. by Ernesto Custodio | May 17, 2021 Review the main objectives of the Scrum of Scrums and optimize for your virtual environment. Join Scrum Trainer, Scrum@Scale...
by Alyssa Layden | Mar 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
Map of Key Scrum@Scale Terms to SAFe by Scrum@Scale Trainer Dave Witkin | March 15, 2021 According to estimates by Dave Witkin and his company Packaged Agile, about 30% of large US Government software programs fail. That translates to $30 billion in waste; $30 billion...
by Alyssa Layden | Feb 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
“Scaling Done Right” by Gereon Hermkes and Luiz “Q” Quintela by Scrum@Scale Team | January 25, 2021 Certified Scrum@Scale Trainers Gereon Hermkes and Luiz “Q” Quintela have played a critical role in growing the Agile Education community. As...